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Mission Statement


Our experts will either lower your monthly payments or provide you a repayment plan that makes sense for you. If you have previously been misled or given incorrect information, we will strive to connect you with organizations or people that can solve your dispute. Honest answers from concerned professionals.





Who We Are


Student Loans Advocate (SLA) is the preferred non-partial resource for college financial aid.  Whether you are a family just beginning their search for college financial aid or a borrower who is challenged with excessive student loan debt, our goal is to provide professional answers to your questions.  This website is designed to provide comprehensive financial counseling, education and assistance.


The Student Loans Advocate was formed by a group of professionals with extensive knowledge of student loan debt management and who were concerned with the direction the industry was heading. Somehow, we felt the borrower’s concerns and needs were left behind.  We felt that the families were often misled as to the final cost of their financial aid package/award and that some college students were encouraged to borrow more the funds than were necessary to pay for their education.  There is an old saying ” live like a Dr. while you’re going to school; live like a student after you graduate.”   In other words, student loan funds should not be used to pay for an excessive lifestyle or luxury items.  Too many students with access to the easy funds view the Federal loan program as a free ticket to good times.  We are determined to correct this situation.


We created SLA to develop student loan management best practices, create an industry repository of borrower specific information, and to be the leader in borrower education and counseling.  We hope you’ll find the information useful; however if you have a question you can’t find the answer to please feel free to contact us.  With your permission, we may use your question on the FAQ section.


"Get Rid of Student Loan Debt Without Paying for It - Learn more"

Webinars designed to provide the answers that you need!


Topic One: from how to complete the FAFSA to tips on how to evaluate your award letters, this will help you learn the inns and outs of applying for financial aid for college. Register here.


More Topics to come soon including Financial Literacy.

"Most of the services provided by SLA are available free in government websites, including many of the links you will find our site.  However because the wrong decision could end up costing you thousands of dollars in additional war world if cost, due to the complexity of the laws regarding student loans, SLA is committed to providing our services at reasonable prices, allowing our consumers to make wise, educated decisions regarding financing their college education and handling their existing education debt."


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